What is love? *breaks out singing* Love is a many splendored thing…
Oh…sorry…I’m back.
What was I saying? Oh yeah…umm what’s love got to do with it? Ha ha ha…just kidding. I know what love has to do with it. Or at least this post anyways. I’m sure the two of you still reading would like to know as well. Ok…on with the show.
In the Welch household…love takes different forms.
For Michael it’s this:
Yeah…that old saying about the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? NOT TRUE. It’s through Mr. Clean. At least in my world.
Now, for my daughter…a clean sink isn’t all that wonderful. I mean..she likes having a clean house and all (at least she would if we had one) but for her…well…see for yourself:
Oh yes I see a few of you nodding your heads in agreement. Yep. This is the equivalent of nirvana for many of us. Uh…ladies? Ladies…focus…
My son Chris though…he’s a bit ticklish. So a foot massage is out. But TA-DA!!!
Never fear…Nana Janice is here! And in Chris’ mind she is the embodiment of all that is good and holy. (In my opinion…everybody needs a Nana Janice in their life…just sayin’)
And for moi? Well…I think it’s no mystery to you sweet ladies…
Seriously…I’d heard my parents tell me they love me at least a jillion times growing up. But it wasn’t until they gave me this as a birthday present one year that I got it. My parents really love me. They understood that to me…this is what love looks like.
1st Corinthians chapter 13 gives us a view of what love looks like in God’s eyes. As I was thinking about this post I began going over in my mind all the "Love is..." verses. Sweetly and gently the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to a beautiful simple truth that had previously gone unnoticed by me. All those glorious attributes and characteristics of love began to fall away as two little words began to shine ever more brightly in my mind. "Love is."
Love IS. Those two tiny words declare the most important truth...the greatest miracle...the most incorruptible triumph this world will ever know. In spite of all the commercialism, consumerism, materialism and all the other "isms" that we have distorted the Christmas season with...Love is. Love breathes and lives and has a name.
As you read this, the holiday is over. The great day has come and gone. The presents are opened, the food consumed, all the songs have been sung and friends and family have gone home. But still Love is.
Some of you this season mourned the loss of a loved one...missed their smile, the feel of their hands, the sound of their laughter, felt the loss of their love toward you...but rest easy tonight. Love is many things...but it is never lost. Love is.
What did love look like in your house this year? Did it come packaged in a box and wrapped with a pretty bow? Did it come in a stocking or a favourite dish? Does it matter? I hope not. I hope it only mattered that “Love is.”
LOVE IS...A sleepy friend driving you to the ER, and running your errans. Thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat post as always. Love is more than a emotion, Love is an action. May Love aways BE!