Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stopped Cold: Like A Deer Caught In The Headlights

I came expecting, the demands of my trial were great and when it was my turn for prayer I was more than ready. Here we go God - like a wrecking ball heading straight for that mountain. The woman of God spoke. What!! Is that what I get…, how could she…, can’t she see the whirlwind of emotions, the collateral damage lying all around me. I get “My Grace is Sufficient for you”. Where’s my weapon of destruction, I’m a prayer warrior (pride comes before the fall). I wanted to be like David in 1Sam. 17:48(NLT) As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.
Here I was, all my zeal, my passion, my momentum, kicked out from under me. God said, "Ah ha got ya." Stopped cold, like a deer caught in the headlights. You see I wasn't like David in that verse at all.. David was fresh on the seen, not battle weary, he was so wrapped up in God that he was bigger than any mountain . Me, I was running ahead of God’s timing, with a limp, a head wound and leaving a blood trail. God stopped me cold, for my own good. If He left things up to me, I would have crashed and burned out by now.

"My Grace is Sufficient for you." This is found in 2 Cor.12:9 written in RED. This is what the Lord spoke to Paul regarding the thorn in his flesh. Can anyone else relate. This verse has been wrapped around me like a fortress, it’s bigger than my circumstances and it gives me hope. The word Grace to many of us, when we hear it, we think of the free gift, or favor or God. When I looked it up it said, “the divine influence upon the heart“. Read that again if you need to, the light will come on. The later part of that verse is this “for power is perfected in weakness“.
With that said, here a fall, to haveing my pride removed, so that His power can be perfected in my weakness. I hear the Lord saying be still, cease striving and know that I am God. Sometimes in a trial it is hard to be still. In being still I have felt the most pain, but it’s in those times the Lord has applied His divine influence upon my heart. So today I find myself face down at the Brook of Besor. A place where David’s battle weary warriors came to rest. These mighty warriors were distraught , hurting & hopeless. I did a little word search on the meaning of Besor. It means-to be fresh, full and cheerful. Sounds like just what I need for a time such as this.
So if your mountain is great and you’re battle weary. Lay down your pride and let God be God. His grace is sufficient and His power is perfected in your weakness. Come to the Brook of Besor. A place to be cheerful, fresh and full. It was also at Besor that these warriors received back everything that was stolen from them.

Robin Cox


  1. A great word Robin. I always need this one. beverlyn

  2. I second beverlyn! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & much needed!

  3. Oh my sweet amaze me.

  4. God is the one who is awesome and amazing. This Word is alive and active and is continuing to work in my life.

