Recently, I went to a funeral of a very dear friend and I was so heavy laden , missing my friend & hurting for his family.....and normally I would say funerals are a very sad occasions....but a a true time of worship, praise & joy was what I encountered.
People openly rejoicing with a joy so unspeakable and so full of
God's glory....what a wake up call for me...I know my friend preached his own funeral...he lived, loved & rejoiced totally in his Savior , Jesus Christ.
Where has my joy gone???? the long days spent with doctors? that are not in right relationship with Christ?.....pain in my body ???.......sorrow over long lost friends?......despair with all the tragedy?
Robber, that is me....I robbed God of His perfect joy for me....every time I carry these weights I rob God...We are instructed in Ezra to SHOUT for Psalms we are reminded that His presence gives us fullness of joy...a fullness that nothing else gives...He restores ALL joy... in Habakkuk it is the joy of my Isaiah there states EVERLASTING Matthew the joy is in all that Christ is and is to come.....Acts bring the joy of the Holy Galatians the fruit of the Holy Spirit brings joy....Yet here I was a robber....who replaced the Joy of the Lord with so many other things......So now I am striving each & every day to obtain the JOY OF THE LORD.
Here is a poem a friend of mind gave me recently:
My life is but a weaving
Between my God & me
I may choose the colors
But He know what they should be.
For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side
While I see it only
On the under side
Sometimes He weaves in sorrow
Which seemeth strange to me
But I will trust His judgement
And work on faithfully.
Tis He who fills the shuttle
For He knows what is best
And I shall weave in earnest
And leave with Him the rest.
At last when life has ended
With Him I shall abide
Then I may view the pattern
Upon the other side.
Then I shall know the reason why
Pain with Joy entwined
Was woven in the fabric
That God Himself designed.
By Shawnee Kelle
Open The Windows of Heaven in 2011,
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