Monday, July 25, 2011

The Price of a Pearl

I thought this was a good devotional.
Love Barbara

Matthew 13:45-46 (NLT)
“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!”

When you consider the humble beginnings of a pearl, it is hard to comprehend how it gains such worth? Prior to man’s intervention, it was a process unnoticed in the depths of the sea discovered by a fisherman after a tasty treat. When opening the shell of an oyster not only to find a slimy delicacy but also a hidden treasure, how overjoyed he must be. I am sure that he would go to great lengths to protect his little fishing hole from others who may cultivate the priceless pearls he is sure to harvest there. One would never expect that it was a tiny grain of sand or a small irritant that got under the oyster’s shell that created such a valuable jewel. Yet this is exactly the process. An oyster sits on the bottom of the sea such a simple existence and minding its own business when an irritating piece of sand from the ocean floor wiggles its way through the membrane between its two shells. Once the oyster detects the slight discomfort, it begins to secrete nacre which is the substance that allows the shell to grow with the animal trying to relieve the irritation. This process allows the same beautiful covering lining the inside of the shell to coat the tiny problem. Once violated, it secretes more nacre to cover the object and reduce irritation until a tiny pearl is formed. The longer the irritant must be tolerated the more layers are produced to cover the object until what was once a source of chronic discomfort becomes of great worth!

Irritation is part of life. We all have people who disrupt our lives from time to time and make things uncomfortable much like the little oyster. No matter how hard we try to separate ourselves from the source of our agitation, it becomes clear he or she is not going anywhere. Now what? It is in this moment of choice that an opportunity arises, do we continue to struggle against that which has inflamed us or do we choose to embrace them? Chronic irritation creates hypersensitivity. You know the person to which I am referring. They always seem to be “under your skin.” No matter what, it seems that this individual’s highest priority in life is to antagonize you until now just the sight of them makes
you incessant. At that very moment, opportunity is knocking. Do you invite the Kingdom of God to produce a treasure in your life or do you just get mad and aggravated? The choice is completely up to you. The Kingdom of Heaven is a priceless investment for those who recognize its great worth. God’s Kingdom is made up of His People with His Purpose activated in their lives. The enemy wants you to think people are your problem when the truth is it is the enemy who longs to divide God’s Treasure from His Kingdom. If satan can convince you to continuously avoid people who get on your nerves or better yet stay in constant conflict with them, then he steals your opportunity to invest in God’s Kingdom. You are essentially robbed of your blessing! I don’t know about you, but I want every single blessing that my God has for me!

Who irritates you the most in life? Look again my friend because that is your potential pearl just waiting to be discovered. You are lined with the Spirit of the Living God. As you make a conscious choice to cover them in love, grace, mercy and prayer suddenly they are transformed from a tiny worthless irritant into a priceless treasure by the Power of God. It is not an easy process but definitely a worthwhile one. This transformation will make you uncomfortable as pride is sacrificed for humility. The longer it takes the more patience it will require but the more valuable the results. Money holds no value in God’s Kingdom. Gems do not impress God. Wealth of any form is in the eye of the beholder.

The Lord has decided that the souls of His People are the most precious commodity there is and died to obtain them. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:6) We were not at our best when He claimed us. Our sin is a persistent annoyance to Jesus yet He chose to die nonetheless. He saw our potential when we were yet dust of the earth. Our souls are precious and priceless to the Father. The
person who causes you great distress is loved exactly the same way by the Lord as you are. God has placed them in your life for you to cover them in the Love of God until they are transformed – no matter how long it takes or how exasperating it becomes.

Matthew 19:20-22 (NLT)
“I’ve obeyed all these commandments,” the young man replied. “What else must I do?” Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

Your earthly treasures will one day belong to someone else. Some of your valuables will simply be laid to waste upon your departure. Only the treasure that is stored in Heaven will last through Eternity. To Jesus Christ – it is of the greatest worth for it was purchased with His Blood. To God – it is His Creation worth the most and that is you. To Heaven – it is priceless. The soul of each person you encounter is important and valuable to the Lord. Until we see the value in others even the most irritating people, we will be earthly rich but heavenly poor. I think I would rather lack on earth than for Eternity! Look for someone to invest in today. Try to extend love and compassion to the most unlovable and least deserving person you know! Prepare for the treasure in your heart to expand and your eternal dividends to multiply! Invest in Heaven today!

By Lori Thomason
Word Press December 12, 2010

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