We were always told when we were younger to say no to drugs because they were bad for us and they would do harm to our bodies. But the one thing I was never taught was to say no to negative words or thoughts. In fact the majority of my family is very good at complaining. I grew up the same way. My whole life, if something didn't go my way, I would have something bad to say about it. If I was sick I just accepted it. I got so good at accepting all of the bad things, I didn't know how to speak of anything good. That included my thought about myself. But over the course of 9 years, I have been very blessed to be rooted in a church that is very positive. Until then I didn't know about faith or how to speak good things into my life. I would hear other people saying these positive things and I thought they were crazy. But the more positive they spoke into me, the better I began to feel about myself and my life...finally.
It has just been over the past four months that The Lord has really help me to realize how vital it is to speak positive into your life and to other's lives. Especially when you work around a lot of negative people. If you're grounded in God, when those negative remarks come at you, you'll be able to bounce them off you like a ping pong ball. The enemy is always lurking around the corner waiting for opportunities to feed us negative thoughts. However more often than not, we are our own worst enemy. When a bad situation arises, it is so easy to accept it and assume it will never get better. Especially if we have been going through the same stuff for the past ten years. In my life, over the past ten years, my husband and I have been trying to have children. Most people I know are already aware of this, and I hate to keep bringing it up, but this has been an area in my life that has experienced the most growth and has helped me to have complete reliance upon God. It's my testimony. Always will be. I'm not really upset any more that I am having to wait. Some days, I get really impatient and throw a fit. Most days I am hopeful for what's to come. It would be really easy for me to listen to those negative voices in my head and from other people telling me to give up and accept the fact I'll never have children. Absolutely not. I've surrendered my plans to God for His plans. But I refuse to wave a white flag of surrender in front of my enemy. He obviously doesn't know how stubborn and determined I am. Seriously, I cannot tell you how many responses I get from people wondering why I don't have kids yet. The first question they ask me is if I am able to get pregnant. To this world, it's extremely odd to be married for over nine years and not have children unless there is something wrong with you. I've already fought the negative voices in my head trying to get me to give up on this dream. And just so you know, I am still winning. Whatever your dreams are or your circumstances, don't give up. Keep positive and fight the negative. Don't throw in the towel just yet. Keep saying no to all that negative that keeps getting into your head. It is not from God. He has never been and never will be negative in any way to His children.
James 4:7 says..."Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you".
RESIST means to abstain from or oppose. SUBMIT means to yield to the power or authority of another. If we are submitting to God we are allowing Him and His authority to have the say so over things we say and do, and we are aligning ourselves up with the word of God, therefore automatically resisting any power of the enemy. Speaking and thinking positive is like planting a seed. Positive words water it. Negative words choke it and kill it. So whatever dreams God has placed in your heart, be careful how you treat it. Whichever one you feed is the one that will grow and live. So say no to negative and stay positive!
Amanda B
Amanda...you're a great writer, singer, and woman of God. I just want to say...keep up the great work, and thanks again for this reminder.