I'm writing to you wonderful ladies from my heart and from 35 years of a joyous journey with God. My heart rejoices and the Lord achieves strength. (PS 118:15) This devotional is about my favorite fruit of the Spirit -- Joy. I love joy because it brings us strength. We all know and quote the scripture "The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Ne 8:10)., but do we have strength? Do we even have pure joy in our every day lives? The Proverbs are full of verses about our own joy and giving joy to others. Many show that when we are joyful, we reap health and strength. My Zondervan Concordance lists 182 verses that contain the word joy. Obviously, joy is important to God So, He gave it to us as a fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit was placed in all of us as a seed, a gift from the Holy Spirit. But a seed we must feed and water until it grows and blooms. I believe joy is the easiest of the fruit to grow because just reading the Word and knowing who God is can bring us pure joy. Then when we speak it out and sing about His goodness and His promises, it is accentuated. Reading and speaking His promises is joy -- standing on them is strength! Let's rejoice, be full of joy and have fun! God won't be offended if you laugh! Loosen up-- be free. I mean freedom of joy - freely following the leading of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to be joyful. List all your praises for Him --all for which you are thankful. Count your blessings! Don't dwell on your hurtful circumstances. Thank God for what you have and not for what you don't have. Hang out with other Christians that make you laugh. Find at least one thing to laugh at by bedtime. Studies have shown that laughter can heal physically, and I know it also heals mental and emotional issues. Is your strength down a little? -- or maybe you feel it's non-existent. Check your joy thermometer. If it is low, so will be your strength. Bring your joy temperature up, and your strength will also rise. If you need a raise in joy, spend more time with Him from where pure joy comes. Read Philipians. See what changes in your life. Phil. 4:2-3 "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say rejoice!" (And guess what? Joy is contagious!)
Terry Freese
He's Calling You!
The jonquils are yellow with bloom.
The trees are white and heavy.
Sweet scent fills the air,
and the birds have returned to their nests.
See, the cold and snow are gone,
and the air is warm to the skin.
Come, run with Me and sing to Me of love!
tf (inspired by Song of Solomon ) .
Good word Terry!! Also, thank you for supporting the kids and givng them the opportunity to minister to the ladies at the group home!
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