It is amazing to me that the deeper we go with God the more
shallowit gets. Don't we love to take credit though! Isn't is
interesting, when we're seeking after God how anything that
makes us begin to think that we are SOMEBODY only leads
us to a crash and burn scenario.
In all my years of trying to know and follow God I have come
to understand David in Psalm 25:4 - 5 more than any other
thing. "Make me know Your ways, O Lord; Teach Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me."
We can apply our hearts and minds to the scriptures until the
cows come home and never gain a thing unless He imparts
understanding. We can spend endless hours in prayer and
intercession and never see His hand unless He opens our eyes.
We can seek Him out with everything that is in us and never
hear His voice or sense His presence unless He reveals it to us.
Will we ever get that He is the creator and we are His created.
It is all Him. His spirit alone holds all creation together and
gives it life. So, in the deepest of the deep all we need to do is
hold His hand and wade around, just being His child. He takes
it from there.
Isn't it so great that He loves us and wants
more than anything to impart Himself to us. Isn't it unbelievable
that His desire is for us to actively participate with Him in a
loving authoritative roll in that creation!
"Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me. Bless
His holy name." Amen!!!!!
authoritative |adjective 1. able to be trusted as being accurate
or true; reliable: clear, authoritative information and advice, an
authoritative source.(of a text) considered to be the best of its
kind and unlikely to be improved upon. 2. commanding and
selfconfident; likely to be respected and obeyed: his voice was
calm and authoritative.• proceeding from an official source and
requiring obedience: authoritative directives.
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