Sunday, March 7, 2010

The following is an excerpt from, "Proverbs for Kids". 
I do not have anyone in mind as I type this.  It is just always
good to remind ourselves of even the basic things.  And no
I have not heard any gossip or lies.
        Telling the truth, Talking About Others
                   and Overlooking Insults
A gossip goes around spreading rumors, while a trustworthy
man tries to quiet them  An evil man sows arguments; gossip
separates the best of friends.  Idle lips are the devil's mouth-
piece.  To slander is to be a fool.  So don't say negative things
about your friends and neighbors, not even to pay them back f
or being mean to you.  Go and dicuss the matter with them
privately.  Don't tell anyone else.  Fire goes out for lack of fuel,
and tensions disappear when gossip stops.  You should use
 your words to defend others and to speak up for those who
can't help themselves.  God delights in kind words, and good
 reports bring happiness and health.  Let kingness be the rule
for everything you say.

The Lord hates lying and every kind of deception.  Everything he
says is right and true.  A good man also hates lies.  His mind is
filled with honest thoughts, and there is living truth and great
satisfaction in everything he says.  His words help others be-
cause they can trust what he says.  Lying, and then saying, "I
was just fooling," or trying to get even with someone by lying
about them is as harmful as hitting someone with an axe. 
Worthless and wicked men are constant liers.  Their minds are
crammed with lies, and what they say is shunned.  Liars will be
punished and come to shame.  Lying will get anyone into trouble,
but an honest person is safe because honesty is its own defense. 
Truth stands the test of time, but lies are soon exposed.

A fool is quick tempered; a wise man stays cool when insulted. 
Don't repay evil for evil.  Wait for the Lord to handle the matter. 
Self-control means controlling the tongue!  A quick retort can ruin
everything.  A gentle answer turns away anger, but harsh words
cause quarrels.  To quarrel with a neighbor is foolish; a man with
good sense holds his tongue.  A wise man restrains his anger and
overlooks insults.  This is to his credit.

Love you all!!!!!

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