Blessings to you Mighty women of God!
Our visit to K.A.R.M. brought back memories of times past(I'd be ashamed to tell how much time), when we would GO (Matthew 28:18,19) out into the streets to "BE" witnesses of Christ (Acts 1:8) and ministers of reconciliation(II Corinthians 5:18). While it was,both then and now, awkward at first it became exhilarating and more familiar by the nights end. I was stirred to press more deeply into considering how to "BE" the church rather than merely "doing" church. After all has it not been said, "The church never saved anyone"?
Jesus said, "...Learn from Me..." (Matthew 11:29) and, "...If you hold to (stay in, abide, dwell, be present, remain in) my teaching you really are my disciples (John 8:31) and "...anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father (it is finished)."
Ephesians 2:11 tells us that because Christ went to the Father and we are in Christ seated in the heavenly realms (far above ALL rule and authority, power and dominion ...Ephesians 1:18-23) we were created in Christ to do, the good works (acts, deeds, labours) that our Father has prepared in advance for us to do (the greater things). Think of it, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the bound set free, the selfish will be selfless, the greedy will be generous and greater things!
Jesus did what He saw the Father doing, He said what the Father was saying. We must do the same if we are to "BE" the church (His Body). May we, "learn from" Jesus and walk this close to the Father and "BE" a more accurate and faithful representation of Christ's Body in these last days.
Oh,so true!