Saturday, May 22, 2010


There was a time a few years ago when God asked me to totally trust Him.  I found this a little strange because I always thought that I trusted Him.  One of the ways He began showing me how to trust Him completely was through Psalm 23.  This is an amazing and powerful psalm.  God has shown it to me in a whole new light and that is what I would like to share with you:)
As our Shepherd, it is God's job to feed, guide and shield us.  When we trust Him to feed, guide and shield us there is no lack.  The lack comes in when we try to take care of ourselves.  We cannot provide for ourselves the things we need.  We are created beings, not the Creator.  Only God can create what is needed to feed, guide and shield us.  We must trust that what He is feeding us is good for us, even though it may taste bitter at the time.  We must trust that where He is guiding us is safe, even though we may feel lost or all alone.  We must trust that He is shielding and protecting us, even though we may feel totally open and vulnerable to those around us.  
When we trust God and allow Him guide us, He will lead us to fresh tender green pastures.  He will lead us beside the still and restful waters.  Even when it may seem like there is chaos all around us, He will give us rest in the midst of it all.  This rest comes as we trust Him and do not try to lead ourselves.  For so long, I tried to lead myself.  I tried to make things happen instead of trusting Him to make it happen.  As I have trusted Him, there has been peace and rest within me.  There is such peace that comes with trusting Him and knowing that He has only our best in mind.
His refreshing and restoring come as we trust Him.  When we don't trust Him and try so desperately to make things happen, discouragement comes rushing in.  We then try to fill the discouragement with things of the world and that is never lasting.  It becomes like a vicious cycle that only God can break.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a place that is very scary.  Even in this place where it seems like there is no sun, He is leading us and guiding us.  We must trust Him and continue holding His hand to lead us through.  He is the only One who knows the path to get out.  I remember a time when John almost died from surgery complications.  In that valley of the shadow of death, God protected us and comforted us. 
There are times when we are surrounded by the enemy, physically or spiritually.  In these situations God can show Himself all powerful, if we trust Him.  Has God ever prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies?  Has He ever done something for you others said was impossible?  It all goes back to trust.  We must trust Him to lead us into these impossible situations and allow Him to do it His way.  As we surrender and trust Him, He anoints our heads with oil and our we flow over onto those around us.  He becomes so visible in our lives and to those around us. 
The last verse is the promise to those who trust Him.  He promises that only goodness, mercy and unfailing love will follow us all the days of our lives and through the length of our days His house and His presence will be our dwelling place.  
I pray that this blesses you as much as it did me.  God is so faithful and He is worthy of all our trust.  He has never given us a reason  not to trust Him!!! 
Mary Beth

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mary Beth for that encouraging word. It was such a reminder of the things God has been teaching me and laying on my heart. Love You! ~Amanda B.
