Hello One-Heart Women
I've been hearing a lot lately about "end times." It seems that it is
on almost everyone's mind these days. We can see the world
changing before our eyes and skidding downhill morally. Events
also seem to be setting up for a "world order" and/or world
economy as predicted in the Bible. I've been told there are no
other propheciesthat must be fulfilled before the rapture takes
place. What has been on my heart is the scripture that says
Christ is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. I wonder,
do we fit that description?
Yet, the Word says we have been given everything we need to
live a Christian life pleasing to God. So, am I living in what He
has given? I know it all has been given with grace so that when
I fail I am forgiven and can stand again and persevere I am
guaranteed victory(Rom 8:37). But, I am looking at myself these
days and wondering if I am a spot or a wrinkle!
I'm glad we are all part of the body of Christ and dependent on
each other.God gave each of us certain spiritual gifts, and we all
need to function in these gifts. It is important to know what our
gift is so we can make a contribution to the whole. The gifts of the
Spirit should be accompanied with the fruit of the spirit .
(Gal. 5:22-23) When I read these, I wilt a little.That's why I'm
glad it doesn't justdepend on me!
But we must develop this fruit. Fruit is best developed by
focusing on love and self-control. The others issue from love and
are kept in place by self-control. We should strive to express
God's love as alifestyle using our fruit and gifts. Then, we read the
Word, speak the Word and have faith in Him and His promises.
Am I able to do all that? I wouldn't be asked to if I couldn't.
Though, I'll never be perfect (and I doubt if you will either),
with the grace of God I can be victorious and so can you.
Then we can stand together as theChurch without spot or
wrinkle! Even so Come Lord Jesus!
Trusting in Him,
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