Matthew 11:28-30....Jesus says, Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn how to live freely and lightly.
In this world of chaos, we become weighed down with burdens. This makes us lose our focus off Christ. He wants to be our Rock. The Rock we lean on, and lay our burdens on.
This past month has been one of chaos for us. I had to rush to Nashville to help take care of my mom after she had what the doctors think may have been a small stroke. It was very hard to leave her to go back to work. My heart was heavy with many burdens on the drive back to Kodak. My older sister came in from Texas to stay with our mom since I had to get back to work. My sister gave me a CD one of her friends made. God used one of the songs to get my eyes off the chaos and back on Him.
While driving, I was being honest with Him. I told Him I was so disappointed with certain things and that I felt like I was losing hope in seeing things change. This song came on and the words were what He knew I needed to hear at very moment.
"When all hope seems lost and my life doesn't make sense
When my world is in chaos, I believe You are in control
I believe you are in control
My God reigns over all
I look to you and I know You'll take care of it all
My heart believes what my eyes don't see..........."
I played the song over and over and kept repeating that My God reigns over all. He reigns over my mom's health, He reigns over each one of our daughter's lives, He reigns over our finances, He reigns over the dreams He has given us of touching youth, He reigns over ALL!!!
Every burden was literally lifted after that. He is so faithful and meets us exactly where we are with exactly what we need.
No matter what burdens you may be carrying today, know that You don't need to carry them anymore. Lay them on Jesus our Rock and know that He reigns over all and He will take care of it all.
Mary Beth
ReplyDeleteThank you, I needed that reminder.