Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I've been reading about Abraham this week in a little
book I have by Watchman Nee.The Lord had me
pull it off the shelf and reread it during a season in
my life when things around me seem to be spinning
totally out of control. One of those times when one
day I'm calm and confident and the next I'm inwardly
hysterical. I don't need to ask if any of you can relate.

When looking at the over-all picture of Abraham's life,
from his leaving Ur and bringing Lot along with him,
his wondering down into Egypt, looking to Hagar for
the son of promise and finally his willingness to sacrifice
Isaac, it seems to me that his walk with God very much
resembles ours.

When Abraham left Ur he knew nothing of the land, the
seed and the promise; he didn't even know where he was
going nor did he understand that God's call for his life
wasn't for Lot too. When he got there he didn't get the 
importance of his being there so he wondered around
and finally got himself into the mess with Pharaoh in
Egypt. He spent a "lot" of time trying to save Lot and
include him in his own promise just as he did with Ismael
when he was trying to help God bring things about.
Finally in his very old age God gave him Isaac and then
later asked Abraham to give him back which Abraham
was able to do in total faith.

When God first revealed Himself to us and we began to
follow Him we really had no comprehension of who He
was or where we were going. We often devalued where
He put us and went where we had not been sent or
whined because we couldn't. All the time He stayed with
us and we still believed. We've spent endless hours trying
to help those we love follow God, perhaps coming to
their rescue time and again. Looking familiar? And of
course we all have experienced the helping God out
dilemma. Oh the pain! Again, He never left us and we
continued to believe. Finally, like Abraham, we have 
grown to know the One in whom we were called to
believe. Sometimes we are calm and sometimes we
are hysterical but we love Him and trust Him enough to
give back to Him everything He has given us because
through it all, He has made us His own and we know it.

"Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy
exceeding great reward." Genesis 15:1b


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