Grace – it is so much more than just saying “God’s riches at Christ’s expense.”
That seems to me an easy answer, even flippant, and what does it even mean?
I think we don’t really know how marvelous, how extraordinary, how exceedingly
amazing Grace really is! Or, we don’t really believe it. For if we did, we would
walk in constant joy! Grace covers ALL my sins – past, present, and future!
Is there anything more wonderful? When we are sin conscious, we are not Grace
conscious. If we go around with a long face because we feel we have sinned
or that we are not pleasing God, we are sin conscious. We are missing the
wholeness of our salvation. We are, after all, the Righteousness of God.
I have struggled with this for a long time. But, I believe I am beginning to understand
Grace at last. I was totally cleansed at the Cross, and I am being cleansed continually
through the shed blood of Christ. Because of Grace, I am no longer a sinner! I was
chosen by God, through Grace, filled with Himself, through Grace, and He cannot be any
more pleased with me . He is not surprised at anything I do (good or bad). I can run
into His arms whenever I have disappointed myself and repent because He is so good
and I am covered in Grace—not because I am less sinful.
Paul says in Philippians (1:6) “For I am confident of this very thing that He who began a good
work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” He will finish the work He started!
He started by covering me in Grace, He continues to cover me in Grace and He will finish by
covering me in Grace. He will do it and His work on my behalf is perfect. Nothing that I do or
fail to do can alter it's perfection in any way. I can't do anything without Him. BUT, I have Him,
so I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me (through Grace) Phil 4:13.
So, I must put down my pride of desiring God to do something “special” in my life so I can
feel special around others and to Him. I realize I AM special, but so are each of you. My
works (whatever they may be) will never make God love me any more or see me any more
special than anyone else. This may be hard on my pride, but that also means no one else is
any more special than I am!
So just enjoy who you are because by Grace God cannot love you any more or any less.
He cannot be any more pleased with you than He is right now, no matter what you do or
don’t do. You are covered in Grace ( and so am I). Let’s be thankful, Grace conscious
people, loving others because we are loved by the BEST!
Excellent word and reminder!
Wonderful and so needed. Thanks Terry!