Monday, January 3, 2011

Hungry For Change

As the new year rolls in, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and expectancy of what it could possibly hold. I believe you have to be hungry for change in order for change to occur. I am starving for change. God has done some amazing things in my and my husband's life the past few years. I have been grateful for every single one. But there's this feeling deep down in my heart and my spirit that longs for something way bigger than even my own life can handle. The past few months I have seen other people change, their lives change, their marriage change. Seems as though everyone around me is changing or going somewhere, but me. Then I begin asking myself what I am doing to prevent anything in my life from changing. And it's not as though there is anything there stopping it other than what has always been there...which is fear. What will happen to me? Where will I go? What will I lose?...are the questions that have raged in my head many times.

A couple of months ago, we went on vacation to a place I had never even been to before. It was full of new places, new things, and new adventures. I did things on that vacation that I swore that I would never due, because of past fears. But during that time I was just so hungry to venture out, and experience new things, I felt unstoppable. The hunger has never disappeared since then. I am at a point right now that I don't care what it cost me,  where it will take me, or what happens to me. All I know is I am sick and tired of being in the same place. And I believe that sometimes God makes us wait just so our expectancy will build, and our faith and trust. You know what they've said...expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles. This year is not going to be the same as every other year. However, when much is given, much is required. We can't expect to get anything from God when we aren't willing to give anything. Mainly talking to myself here. At this point I don't care what it costs me. All I know is that I don't want to be stuck where I have always been. We have to be so tired of where we've been to get where God wants to take us. He can't move us into these new places if we don't want to go. In my opinion, I have nothing to lose. Anything my future holds has got to be way better than anything I have gained in the past.  Isaiah 43:18-19 (NASB) says it better...

"Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway through the wilderness, rivers in the desert."

I cannot wait to see the places and plans God has in store for me this year and the many years to come. I am expecting new growth, new challenges, new adventures, new blessings, and new miracles. And I am expecting more of him. And I believe I'm not the only one who senses this change. God is stirring many hearts. Let's be expectant. let's be excited.

Amanda B.


  1. I Love watching the both of you blossom. Continued blessing for 2011, continue to become the well-watered garden God intended. Love you princess. RC

  2. You have no idea how fabulous you are. I was kind of laughing a little when you were talking about how everybody else was moving and changing except you. I was like, "Whaaat? She's stepped up and gotten on the praise team, got a new job, is writing women's devotionals, has dived into deeper waters with Christ...and she thinks she's not been moving like other people? She's so funny. Bwahahah!"

    My prayer for you is that God gives you the desires of your heart, and that we all catch hold of the enthusiasm and excitement that He's given you. Love! Shayne

  3. I so needed this, thanks!!! I agree w/Shayne!! Love ya, Keith
