Monday, May 2, 2011


The other day I went to the chiropractor with John. For the first visit, this doctor likes to explain how the spine and nerves all work together. He pulled out this model of the spine with the nerves coming off each vertebrae. He explained how each nerve from each vertebrae affects different parts of our bodies. And not just things like walking and running but things we dont even think about. Things like digestion, breathing, seeing and hearing.

Seeing that model reminded me of how true Psalm 139:14 is that says "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

God is such an artist. We think that the human race looks so much alike, but if you look closer you will see that we are each so unique and different. Each one of us was lovingly created. God chose our haircolor, eye color, how tall we would be, what type of nose we would have, the shape of our mouth and so much more. He created each one us as His beautiful masterpieces. Cant you just see Him looking at us with such love in His eyes. Hear the love in His voice when He says look at her, I picked out the perfect haircolor for her, it matches her eyes so beautifully.

So many times as women, we feel that we have to measure up to what we see in magazines or on tv. But God says no. He sees it differently. He sees each one of us as His beautiful creation, lovingly created with His hands.

Most of the time when we look in the mirror we do not see what we think is beauty staring back at us. But that is a lie. We have to allow God to give us new eyes to see what He sees when He looks at us.

My prayer for each one of us this week is that we will begin seeing ourselves through God's eyes. Ladies, go take a look in the mirror and see what true beauty really is.

Mary Beth

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